VHS Tracking Issue 24 - "Underrated Actresses"

ISSUE 24 IS OUT! Celebrating the undersung names that should be up in massive lights: Phoebe Cates, Barbara Crampton, Jeanne Tripplehorn and many, many more! VHS Tracking is an A5-sized fold-out zine of movie recommendations responding to the theme of "Underrated Actresses," celebrating our favourite underappreciated thespians.
Printed through risograph by Neighbourhood Press. Brilliant cover art by Keziah Goodman based on the Lars Von Trier film, Antichrist, starring Charlotte Gainsbourg.
Contributors include: Laura Blundell, Sebastian Sharp, Stephanie Sutcliffe, Ciaran McDonald, Will Jones, Kael Driscoll, Lucy Rutherford, Michael O'Rourke and Riley Thompson.